International INCHON Women Artist's Biennale

Father's Time -Dear father.. from Daughter.

2009.8.1-8.31 ICHION Art Platform


On a certain day,

The number of things my father became curious about, grew.

When the rain would come,

Which way north was,

Where the wind was blowing from.


What his youngest daughter was doing.


In this project which was introduced at the International Women Artists Biennale 2009, I asked  participant artists and visitor to select a song which they want to recommend to their father. I intended tha
t a song becomes a consolation to their fathers who feels alienated in the society. The songs were played out of the open-air sculpture including a chair and a speaker.
아버지의 시간-딸들이 아버지께.
작가 박혜수는 인천비엔날레 참가한 여성 작가분들께 자신의 아버지께 들려드리고 싶은 노래를 조사했습니다. 
가정과 사회에서 자신의 자리를 잃어가는 이아버지들께 작은 위안을 주고싶었다. 
재밌는 사실은 국적을 불문하고 추천해준 곡들이 굉장히 비슷한 멜로디를 가진다는 거... 
Recommended Songs
attended artist- Recommended Song (musician)
김윤아-사랑밖에 난 몰라 (심수봉) 
이은구-동백아가씨 (이미자)
Le Hien Minh- Diem Xưa (Khanh Ly)
조현재-녹슬은 기찻길 (나훈아)
장윤주-봄날은 간다 (심수봉)
Mandana Moghaddam-Gole Goldoon Man (Simin Ghanem)
고경욱-님과 함께 (남진)
On Megumi Akiyoshi-幸せなら手をたたこう  (坂本九)
김필래-반갑습니다 (리경숙) 
김민경-캐논 (아마츄어 증폭기)
김순임-Memorial Day (Spencer Lewis)
이유경-향수 (이동원 & 박인수) 
이창진-나의 살던 고향 (연주: Bellian)
박혜수-Danny Boy (박호준, 빅보람 外)
Hong-Kai Wang-Ave Maria (Bach with Judy Loman)


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