My studio (1-30) Map of n o w h e r e
left) Negative Song, 2015. Newspapers from 12 countries, melody box, sound, variable dimensions
center) World’s Best, 2015. Wood block, chess, variable dimensions
back) Broken heart collection, 2015, wood, original survey paper, glue(text from survey 'Broken Heart Story), variable dimensions

window) A love’s discourse, 2015, Mixed media, variable dimensions

left) 1,825 Days of lonely home, 2015. Mixed media, variable dimensions
center) Rainbow bird, 2015. Scrap paper of the Charles Nypels Lab in Van Eyck, variable dimensions.
right) Days in the dry well, 2015. Holy water bowl, dried lemon, 10×60cm.
1,825 Days of lonely home (detail)
* I'll exhibit whole work which I showed in the open studio of JVE to my next solo exhibition 'Now Here is Nowhere' in Seoul in February 2016.