series What's missing?
These installation series 'what's missing' made with the torn survey paper about
'The Greatest Regret in Your Life' which had been conducted to audience in public place since 2007 .
What's Missing-Fairy tale story_ 2010_paper-shredder, fairy tale book(text), paper,neon sign, fan_variable dimensions _2010_Total Museum (Seoul, KR)
무엇이 사라지고 있는가? -동화 (童話)_ 문서 분쇄기,동화책, 종이, 네온사인_가변크기_2010_토탈미술관(서울)
up) JEJU Museum Of Art (Jeju Island, Korea) 2010
What's Missing?-Unasked Question, Unheard Answer
What's Missing_2009_paper,paper-shredder, neon sign,_variable dimensions_SOMA Drawing Center(Seoul, KR)
무엇이 사라지고 있는가?-묻지못한 질문, 듣지 못한 대답 _종이, 네온싸인,_가변크기_2009_ 소마드로잉센터 (서울)
Nanj Gallery (Seoul, KR)
무엇이 사라지고 있는가-당신이 버린 꿈_종이, 문서세단기, fan, 설문답변 text_ 가변크기_2010 (동닥아트갤러리)
What's Missing?-Missing Dream_2010_collected survey paper, paper-shredder fans_variable dimensions_Seoul, KR
이후 이 분쇄 시리즈는 2011 <project 대화-꿈의 먼지>로 발전했습니다.
Since then, this crushing series has evolved into <project Dialogue-Dream Dust> (2011) .
Wish Piece_2017_survey'the dream thrown away'(2008~2017), typewriter, shredder, light_variable dimensions
2017 llmin Museum 'Do It Seoul' Exhibition