open studio; Gasworks_5th Dec 2015(UK)


Winter Open Studios 5 DEC 15
Open Studios: 12-6pm
Artists’ Talks: 4-5pm
Drop by and get to know the work of our current international artists in residence.
Mina Arham (Pakistan), hosted in the Sackler Residency Studio Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh (Ghana), hosted in the Outset Residency Studio Hyesoo Park (South Korea), hosted in the Roberts Residency Studio Freek Wambacq (Belgium), hosted in the Juan Yarur Torres Residency Studio.
* Open Studios and Artists’ Talks offer London audiences a unique opportunity to see, hear about and discuss the research and work-in-progress that these artists have been developing over the past three months at Gasworks.
gloomy monday7.jpg gloomy monday4.jpg
Gloomy Monday, 2015.Clipping from the Monday edition of The Guardian (UK: Nov-Dec 2015) and Chosun Daily Newspaper(KR: Aug-Sept 2015), melody box, spindles. Dimensions variable.

City Poem, 2015.Found object from London streets.Dimensions variable.

"Walking in the footsteps of the person in front of me.
Collecting messages dropped in the street.
I think I feel the anxiety of the city. "





Quest, 2015. Puzzle, text from the poemQuestby Anna Wickham


studio view



Goodbye to Love Ⅱ, 2013-2015. 1000 origami crane gifts, purchased fromeBay.170x117cm.
This work is the 3rd edition of the series Goodbye to Love Ⅱ.


Life Piece, 2015.Message card, helium balloons,variable dimensions 

























▶ NOTE   

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